Data Visualization with Minimal Metrics

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While working on the Experiment Performance Management Tool the client needed a few things:

  • Monitor millions of processes per day without impacting system performance
  • Create a baseline using collections of processes and compare future jobs against that baseline
  • A dashbord interface for monitoring the most recent jobs for any outlier conditions

I helped with each of these stages most notably the dashboard and data visualization.

The dashboard was built using Python Dash framework. This framework was very fun and intuative to use with a good ammount of documentation online. On very large interactive pages with many inputs such as date time, tables, text boxes, toggle switches, sorting and buttons you get into what I would call “callback-hell” but it is managable with organized code, good function names and alot of commenting.

For data visualization I made boxplots bar graphs and 3d scatter-plots using plotly, you can see those in the Gallery under EPMT Plotly Examples

About Chris Ault

Hi, my name is Christopher Ault, I'm a software engineer in Florida seeking dev-ops or full-stack positions nationwide.

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